I'm really happy that i've come back to the stitching world.
Now I see what i was missing all this time... Really happy that i happened to read about rhe pattern keeper app to get my mojo all jumping and calling...
It's been two weeks since i returned with a fury, am now stitcking to two cross-stitch projects and one knitting project (not working that much on this later), I'm decided to finish my projects so working this way and as i finish one it will be replaced by another... So far works well as my daughter wants me to stitch only on her project, and so we compromised to 3 days on each of the Two. I want to finish No Words Needed this time, and I started a new project choosen by the little miss, and the name of the projext fits well with her Little Miss Deelish and Sweet Treats Trixie (of course it had to have a unicorn).
Looking to this month success what did I achieve? On No Words Needed i was able to complete one more page (13) and start a second (14).
From this:
To this:
On Little Miss Deelish and Sweet Treats Trixie
It was a start (as i have ir on my rods, I'll be working from top to bottom - not necessarily by page) - and because the background pink is 99000 stitches i'm alternating between stitching one lenght of one colour and one lenght of the background pink until it all gets done. Now waiting anxiously for the threads i have coming to arrive, so i can keep doing the stars and might change to work in rows, maybe).
Anyway, this is the before:
And after 10.000+ stitches in it already
Onto my goals for June.
I'm stircking to try a minimum of 700 stitches a day (so far has been higher rhan this apart from 1 day) and with that I hope as a easy goal to complete one more page on No Words Needed, and hard goal get 2 pages completed.
On Little Miss Deelish and Sweet Treats Trixie to reach 10% done as minimum goal and 15% as the hard level goal...
Now let June roll and see what we can achieve...
Thanks for stopping by
Great progress on both of your pieces, I'm sure you'll have no problem accomplishing your goals this month!
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