This week a new month starts which means for the next two weeks my stitching time will be reduced from every night time after DD is asleep to nearly none because of work as I need to work on the PC and I (guess what) I can only do it when said DD is asleep.
So this brought me to my title, in the past I used to set stitching goals for the month and try to achieve them as if it was a race against something which usually I'd loose because I wouldn't meet them all.
So I thought - rather than complaining that I didn't achieve A, B, C... Goal, I'd celebrate whatever progress I've made no matter if it is just 1 stitch or 1000. And then I had an idea, I'm not the only one dreading this Monday, so why not turn it into something good by making a free non-commitment SAL where the only thing we do is share whatever progress we did on our projects (and a good excuse to remind those like me to make one more post).
If you want to join in just leave a comment with a link to your blog (and next month I'll set it up properly :)
So what have I worked on this month.
Knitting wise:
I finished another dress for DD and although I loved it on the needles I didn't like it when she was wearing it, not to mention it was a bit small - so I'll be doing another one similar, but I'll be making some more changes of my own to it (I had changed the sleeves already).
This is the original

This is how it looked when finished

And how it looked on her (couldn't get her to stand for me for a proper photo).

This is how it will be when finished. 

My version so far:

And where I got until I decided I wasn't happy with it.

I also worked on DD blanket. I wasknitting the border when my mum convinced me I should do it longer, so in goes another pompom ball.


And finally the shawl I'm knitting as X-mas gift for my mum (I plan to knit another in a different colour for my grandma), couldn't work on it these two weeks as my mum was over.
How it will look when finished:

My version so far:

I'm adding beads to it:

Now stitching wise:
As promised I'm focusing on NWN only.


Happy with how much I managed to do on my rare free time :)
How about you?
Happy Stitches,