Tuesday 19 May 2020

IHSW Report

Hi everyone, 

So I got back to stitching on the best weekend I could have chosen... It was IHSW... And you know what that means - spend the whole weekend stitching, and that's just what I did...

Discovering the pattern Keeper app, was definitely the best thing I could have happened, as my lost mojo for stitching had been keeping track with the patterns without making mistakes (marking it and in the project itself) and this weekend was a bliss..
I still made mistakes on the WIP, but easily found and unfroged and unmarked... 

And by the end of the weekend I did around 2600 stitches (around 800 on Friday, 665 on Saturday and a massive 1231 Stitches - thank Pattern Keeper for showing me the stitch numbers and percentage complete.

I was also able to knit a few more rows at the bottom of the sweater I'm making. 

So all in all, a good weekend to report. 

Yesterday (Monday) I spent the day organizing my threads and projects... And searching on the Internet for the excel spreadsheet I used to use to do my stitching counts and tally to see if I was on track for my stitching goal. Which I'm pleased to say after some (read a lot) searching I found, and found an improved version that let me plan for up to 6 month goals and start on the day I want instead of beginning of each month, as it used to be. I'm aiming at 700 stitches a day... 

And now enough talking and let's go to the best part...
Thanks for stopping by, 


DJ said...

Wow!! I've never used those apps before, but it's nice to know how many stitches you are putting in and a way to keep up with your goals! Your work is lovely! And I really like the colors of your sweater...I can't knit so admire anyone who can!

Keebles said...

I wish I could keep better track of the blog world like I used to! I miss IHSW's!! Looks like you got a lot done and, as much as I need my iPad, I wish I could use Pattern Keeper, because it does sound amazing!

Sara said...

I'm trying to get back to it all, getting organized helps ton and I love using the blog as my "stitching journal" where I can keep track of all the progress I did over the years. As per the pattern Keeper is amazing, and I'm using it on my phone (even with the small screen is still much better than any of the apps I ever used on my ipad) if you have an Android phone I really say try it :) thanks for commenting

Sara said...

Hi DJ I'm using a spreadsheet for tracking and then the pattern Keeper app (reads the chart and highlights the colour you are doing and you can mark the stitches done/ parked or fogged out) tells you how many stitches you have marked as done.. As for the Knitting, I learnt it from my mum when I was a kid and forgot, until I got pregnant and decided to do some clothes for my daughter as nothing is cuter than a baby in hand knitted jackets and dresses, and then while she was a toddler was easier to knit than stitch with her around.
Thanks for commenting :)

Sara said...

Thanks Katie :)