Monday 25 May 2020

Week 2 - start

Hi everyone,

Still keeping up my good work with the stitching... I'm loving it, and even my daughter is pushing me to stitch because she wants to see more... And did I mentioned that she is learning how to stitch... Coming quite well for a 5 year old if you ask me, and nearly finishing her own project...

I also started a Facebook page for my stitching... I plan to update it weekly, so will be updating once here, once on Facebook, at different days. 
If you want to follow:

Been stitching more than the 700 stitches daily I had set for myself so I'm really happy with it... And even on Saturday evening after frigging over 400 stitches I still managed to do more than 700...
And this is my daily photos until today:

HAED - Little Miss Deelish and Sweet Treats Trixie 
5155 stitches/ 252900 (2.04%)

HAED - No Words Needed 
86503/208800 stitches 

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